Degree in Labours Relations and Human Resources
- Degree
- Data sheet
- Acces and admission
- Scolarships
- Matriculation information
- Mobility
- Academic results
- Study plan
- Trainig goals and competences
- Quality system
- Rules
- Resources
- Tutorial support
- Managers
- Teachers
- Teacher guides
- End of degree work
- Practicum
- Timetables and exams
Training goals and competences
The evolution of the socioeconomic context in recent years, with special attention to the changes in the world of work in its various aspects and manifestations, along with the demands and needs of professional training that society can sue future graduates have been forced in establishing the objectives of this degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources benchmark. The different professional profiles proposed, as well as the generic and specific skills that students should acquire for the effective exercise of each of those are, therefore, the basis on which the objectives set out below are based:
- Acquire the skills to understand the complexity and the dynamic and interrelated nature of the work, based on an integrated basis to their legal perspectives, organizational, psychological, sociological, historical and economic, in this sense, the degree is presented as a multidisciplinary degree providing conceptual tools from a wide variety of subjects such as economics, business organization, law, sociology and psychology.
- Training for application of acquired knowledge and skills in their various areas: employment counseling, management and personnel management, work organization, and management and mediation in the labor market, both in the private sector as public.
- Train to apply information technology and communication in different policy areas.
- Train for autonomous learning of new knowledge and techniques.
- Train for access, with reasonable assurance of success, specialized post graduate studies.
Ultimately the aim of Labours Relations and Human Resources, is to train professionals to manage Labours Relations and Human Resources in both public institutions and private companies
Specific skills
Are those that are related to a specific professional profile and composed skills and knowledge associated with a job :
- Perform analyzes and diagnoses, support and take decisions on the organizational structure, organization of work, study methods and working time.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the mechanisms of action of political institutions and its constitutional order.
- Ability to understand the various business vicissitudes and connect with social and labor issues.
- Develop and design organizational strategies to develop human resources in the organization.
- Ability to contextualize, compare and critically analyze the phenomena, events and processes taking place in the historical evolution of labor, labor relations and labor markets.
- Analyze and manage conflict in organizations.
- Ability to negotiate in the organizational environment and labor mediation.
- Interpret and develop data and socioeconomic indicators relating to the labor market.
- Locate and discriminate statistical sources that reflect the social and labor data.
- Ability to apply quantitative and qualitative social research techniques to the workplace.
- Ability to identify, select and interpret labor law, collective norms and court decisions.
- Ability to handle acts of formal communication in the development of employment and in particular those resulting from the termination of the contractual relationship.
- Ability to advise and represent workers and employers and their respective organizations in the field of social jurisdiction.
- Ability to advise and manage social security, social assistance and supplementary social protection.
- Ability to identify and interrelate the various factors involved in the field of occupational health.
- Ability to advise on the choice of the management systems of prevention.
- Ability to design, implement and evaluate territorial strategies of socioeconomic promotion and employment.
- Ability to identify different groups with employability difficulties and specific issues affecting them.
- Ability to design, develop and evaluate training programs and career counseling.
- Ability to understand the differences between different models of Labor Relations
Generic skills
Generic skills are common to most professions and relate to the implementation integrated skills, personality traits, skills and values acquired
- Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
- Ability to manage information.
- Autonomous learning and adaptation to new situations.
- Capacity for independent learning and adapting to new situations.
- Ability to teamwork.
Strategic competencies
The skills strategies are those that all students should have the UdL and therefore each degree must ensure their achievement. In particular, it is intended that students get:
- Proper oral and written communication in technical language.
- Domain of ICT for the degree profile.
- Right-oral and written communication in English in technical language.
- Respect for fundamental rights of equality between men and women, the promotion of human rights and the values of a culture of peace and democratic values.