Welcome to Escola Universitària de Relacions Laborals

35 years of EURL


Our school
Students, teachers and PAS,
100% connected
Ratings and experiences
in the EURL
Come to Lleida, study at EURL
The EURL has contributed during more than 20 years and continues nowadays doing it, across the university education, with plans and programs of study, when forming professionals capable of confronting successfully the demand of work that there need the companies and institutions of our country, so much as entrepreneurs, liberal or hard-working professionals for foreign account.
From his beginnings the fundamental idea has been it of generating and offering educational services in the university level, promoting an attitude of permanent learning, a culture based on the effort and a spirit of overcoming; combining the depth in the study of every discipline with a wide vision of the company, the company and the life; seeking to raise permanently the academic quality; adapting our educational processes to the diverse needs of los/as students, and taking advantage efficiently of the resources of the Institution.
Our pupils they are recognized by his quality aces professional, capacity of teamwork and human leadership. This does that they are demanded on the labour market. In the EURL the protagonists are the pupils aces, constituting a real creative community, and we want that you form a part of her.
We hope that the visit to our web page encourages them to put in touch with us or to visiting our facilities.
The whole personnel of the EURL, academic and not academician is to his disposition
Ramon Borjabad Bellido
The director of EURL