University Master in Labour Management
Màster universitari en direcció i gestió laboral
Accés i admissió
Requisits generals d’accés
University Master in Labour Management
Access and admission
General entry requirements
The requirements for access to official Master studies in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, as amended by Royal Decree 861/2010 of July 2, are:
- Being in possession of a Spanish official university degree.
- Be in possession of a certificate issued by an institution of Higher Education of the European Higher Education Area which authorizes the issuing country for access to Master studies.
- They can also access the Master’s graduates from foreign educational systems to the European Higher Education Area without the approval of their titles, after verification by the University of Lleida that those demonstrate a level of education equivalent to the corresponding university official Spanish titles and authorize the issuing country for access to postgraduate studies. Access by this route does not imply in any case the approval of the previous title of which is held by the applicant, nor its recognition for purposes other than studying Master’s teachings.
Recommended profile
The University Master in Labour Management is aimed at:
- Graduated in Labour Relations and Human Resources Diplomated in Labour Relations and graduates Social Graduates.
- Licensed or graduated in Law, graduated in Political Science; Licensed / or graduated in Public Administration; Licensed or graduated in Labour Sciences; Licensed or graduated Degree in Business Administration and Management; Graduated Social Work; Licensed or graduated in Economics. No Sciences Nevertheless, the Commission study the Master, may admit, upon reasoned request, to people with other qualifications that demonstrate sufficient knowledge of matters related to Labour Management, belonging the branch of Social and Legal Sciences. (Depending on the previous accredited learning must attend to learning supplements)
Selection criteria
The maximum number of seats is 20 students.
The process of selection of students for admission to the University Master in Labour Management will be held according to the following criteria:
I. – to applicants who are in possession of the Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources, Labour Relations Diploma and Degree / Diploma in Social / to be prioritized. In the event that the number of applicants who are in possession of
these degrees is higher than the number of places available in the selection process the following aspects will be assessed:
- Academic record.
- Be in possession of other qualifications: Bachelor, degree, official masters, doctorate.
- Work experience.
- Other merits (accredited knowledge of languages, publications, educational collaboration etc.)
- Personal interview.
If two or more applicants obtain the same score and only had a square, a test shall be made consistent access to general issues of Spanish law on labour, as well as the resolution of a case and its oral presentation. It will be selected / a student / to get the best score, which will result from the arithmetic average obtained in each test.
II. – If the number of applicants who are in possession of the Degree in Labours Relations and Human Resources, Labour Relations Diploma or Graduated as Social Diplomated is less than the number of places available, students of other degrees are accepted.
In the process of selecting the students from other qualifications as the following aspects will be assessed:
- Academic record.
- Be in possession of other qualifications: Bachelor, degree, official masters, doctorate.
- Work experience.
- Other merits (accredited language knowledge, publications, educational collaboration etc.)
- Personal interview.
If two or more applicants obtain the same score and only had a square, a consistent access test will take place in Spanish general questions of law in labour matters. It will be selected as student to get the best score.
In all these cases, the Study Commission of the Official Master in Management and Workforce Management which will assess the applications and admissions.
In the case of students with special educational needs arising from disability, system and procedure for admission include support services and counseling, which will assess the need for possible curricular adaptations, schedules or alternative studies. There will be, for this purpose, with the advice of the UdLxTothom (UDL) unit the objective is to promote higher education and promote participation of people who have a disability in our university.
Complementos formativos
No se establecen complementos formativos reglados. No obstante, en función de la titulación de procedencia y de la formación del estudiante, la Comisión de Seguimiento del Máster, Postgrado y Calidad, con traslado a la Junta de Gobierno, podrá exigir que el/la estudiante demuestre tener competencias y conocimientos suficientes sobre Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos de nivel equivalente a los estándares exigidos en las materias básicas de las titulaciones que dan acceso al Máster con el perfil idóneo.
El/La Coordinador/a del Máster acordará las formas y periodos en que estos conocimientos podrán adquirirse, sin que su consecución previa sea un requisito para la admisión. Dichas exigencias se materializarán en el requerimiento de un esfuerzo complementario en determinadas asignaturas del Máster.
Para la realización de los complementos formativos se tendrán en cuenta las asignaturas y horarios que se imparte en la EURL en el Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos.