Degree in Labours Relations and Human Resources
- Degree
- Data sheet
- Acces and admission
- Scolarships
- Matriculation information
- Mobility
- Academic results
- Study plan
- Trainig goals and competences
- Quality system
- Rules
- Resources
- Tutorial support
- Managers
- Teachers
- Teacher guides
- End of degree work
- Practicum
- Timetables and exams
- Academicians
- Director:
Dr. Ramón Borjabad Bellido. - SubDirector:
Dr. Blanca Ballester Casanella. - Academic Secretary:
Dr. Joan Sagués San José. - Chief Department: Law offices of the Company:
Maria Victoria Borjabad Bellido - Chief Department: Social, Historical and Economic Studies:
Joan Sagués San José - Teachers Representative:
Alejandro Mata Solà - Pupils Delegate in the school:
Representative of the Fourth Year - Degree Coordinator:
Dr. Mª Victoria Borjabad Bellido. - International Mobility Manager:
Dr. Mª Victoria Borjabad Bellido.
- Director:
- Standard and quality academic committee
- 2 members of the management team.
- 1 representative of the Board of the School of Industrial Relations Foundation Lleida.
- One member from each of the departments.
- teacher coordinator of degree.
- 1 representative of the academic staff management.
- 1 student representative of the EURL.
- UDL academic committee
- UDL language policy committee
- UDL information, guidance and academic promotion committee