Degree in Labours Relations and Human Resources
- Degree
- Data sheet
- Acces and admission
- Scolarships
- Matriculation information
- Mobility
- Academic results
- Study plan
- Trainig goals and competences
- Quality system
- Rules
- Resources
- Tutorial support
- Managers
- Teachers
- Teacher guides
- End of degree work
- Practicum
- Timetables and exams
Student’s Mobility
To provide to the students the possibility of dealing different subjects of the qualifications in a university different from his with the guarantee of which it will obtain the recognition of skilled credits.
More information:
Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales
The ERASMUS Program:
The Erasmus Program has as principal aim enrich the European dimension as for higher education. He promotes the mobility of students and of teachers inside the European Union, by means of bilateral agreements between university institutions.
More information:
The program of mobility of the UdL:
The Program of mobility of the University of Lleida allows to the student body of the UdL to realize an academic stay in someone foreign university (normally out of Europe) and the later recognition of the studies dialed in this University.
More information:
Programa de mobilitdad de la UdL
Student Exchange Program ANUIES-CRUEL:
The University of Lleida is adhered to the program of students’ exchange between the National Association of Universities and Institutions of Top Education of Mexico (ANUIES) Confers of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE). The aim of this program is to allow to the students of Spanish and Mexican universities to deal studies in a university of another country with guarantee of academic recognition in the University of origin
SICUE Program:
The System of Exchange between University Centers of Spain (SICUE) is one program inspired by the experience Erasmus and it makes the exchanges possible between the student body of the different universities of Spain. Parallel, the Department of Education and Culture Seneca summons the helps for the students’ mobility, which consists of the concession of monthly scholarships and helps of trip to the students who take part in the program of mobility SICUE.
More information:
DRAC Program:
The program has as aim promote the mobility of all the estates of the university community of the institutions members of the Xarxa Vives Universitats.
More information:
General Rules
Información para el estudiantado de la UdL
Centers where you can make the exchange:
- Programas de mobilidad (ORI)
Ver: Información de los diferentes programas - Erasmus
Ver: Información acerca de los Erasmus - Programa de Mobilidad
Ver: Información del programa de mobilidad - Sicue